On May 27th 2005 Caleb and Raven were married and sealed in the Salt Lake Temple, not just till death do them part, but for time and all eternity. Soon Justice will be sealed to Caleb and Raven creating an eternal family of fun, love, and service. This is the story of the Loving Loveless Family

Monday, April 6, 2009

Our First Blog - After this post the blogs will be arranged from newest to oldest.

Hey everyone! This is our families first blog. We live far away from some of our family and friends and want to stay connected as much as possible. This blog is the way we came up with to let everyone know what is happening in our lives. To stay more connected.

We feel it can be easy to get distanced from others in the fast paced world we live in. The little boxes we call homes can sometimes become barriers in relationships with the outside world. Yet, our family believes that the only way to survive the isolating conjestion of our society is to stay connected with family and friends as much as possible. We are trying to build our personal relationships within this family stronger so that we can reach out to others more. Please forgive us if we dont as much as we should...we are trying, with attempts like this blog, to reach out more. Thanks for reading!


Laurel and David Lowe said...

Glad to see you have a blog now. So do we! Check it out at www.keepitonthedownlowe.blogspot.com

We'll keep checking back here!

Giraffic said...

Love the new blog.. needs a new post and more pictures.. :)
your little sis.